It Was a Rainy Day…

… and still we went outside for nearly 4 hours. People who know me might start to wonder who I’ve become in the month I’ve lived here. I usually prefer staying inside, especially when it’s raining, as it was Sunday a week ago. However, there was something to tempt even me to go out: mushroom hunting!

It was an “expedition” organised by the university and Martha, the local mushroom picking club (I don’t know if that’s the correct expression). No pictures of the picking, as I didn’t want to take the camera (did I mention it was raining?).

Once home, PB sorted the mushrooms, at which point I took out the camera:

Last Weeks Loot

I forgot the names of the varieties we picked, but I think I could recognise them now. The trouble is that they tend to hide quite well. Even after the 4 hours out, it was just enough to make a simple mushroom dish for the two of us that had to be stretched considerably with bread.

However, we got hooked on mushroom picking and yesterday we did it again! Heli and Jouni (a couple who I met at ETH last (academic) year and who are permanently at JYU) invited us to join them to go to a little market in Rautalahti (a small town outside Jyväskylä) with successive mushroom/cranberry picking. Again I didn’t take my camera, but this time it’s because I forgot. PB took his camera and some pictures, but he’s not around and I don’t know where he put it. However, that’s not a problem at ALL, because Heli and Jouni brought their cameras and they blogged about the hike. There are the most gorgeous pictures on there, make sure to visit!

Thanks to them, we also found mushrooms, and a lot of them:

Yesterdays Loot – I Already Forgot the Name again

We (well that is Heli) also found quite a lot of funghi porcini. We ate most of them yesterday for dinner and it was a complete feast. The ones we didn’t eat are being dried right now, hence no pictures either, sorry! Well, even wihout pictures to proove it, rest assured that we were having a great time! Thanks again Heli and Jouni!

5 thoughts on “It Was a Rainy Day…

  1. Thanks for the really nice day and for the delicious brownies :).
    The mushrooms in the picture above are called “suppilovahvero” in Finnish (Craterellus tubaeformis, Yellowfoot, winter mushroom, Funnel Chanterelle, Trompetenpfifferling). The remainig ones are dried and packed…


  2. Sounds like fun, though the pictures have no mouthwatering effect on me… 🙂
    Say hi to Heli and Jouni!

    Hoffe es geht dir gut… Liebe Grüsse in den Norden


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